
A Dry Source of Microorganisms to Help Crops Reach Their Full Potential

Multiplicity is a dry package of microbial strains designed to promote early root development, plant stamina, and the overall health of the crop throughout the growing season.

  • Can be used across a wide-range of agricultural settings
  • Brings atmospheric nitrogen to the root area where it can become available to the plant
  • Can solubilize insoluble forms of phosphorus making it available to the plant
  • Enhance rhizosphere activity for better root development
  • Synergizes the interactions between beneficial bacteria and fungi to do their best work
  • A formulation of billions of microbes ready to help your crops reach their full potential

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Please check with your dealer for availability and application rates

Application Information

GENERAL: Multiplicity should be applied at the rate of one teaspoon per acre. Mix the required number of teaspoons of Multiplicity in one gallon of water. For example: to treat 25 acres, mix 25 teaspoons of Multiplicity in one gallon of water. After mixing, add to your tank. Multiplicity is tank-mix flexible with most agricultural products, and can be used as a pre-plant or pre-emergence soil spray, applied in furrow or foliar applied with chemicals and/or fertilizers. For foliar applications, final dilution rate should be 10-20 gallons of liquid per acre. For application through irrigation systems, contact your Monty’s representative for more information.
HIGH YIELD: Monty’s high yield program can vary for crops, application rates and timing. If you are interested in a high yield program, contact your Monty’s representative.




Active Ingredients

  • Azospirillum brasilense 1×107 CFU/ ml
  • Bacillus altitudinis 1×108 CFU/ ml
  • Bacillus amyloliquefaciens 1×107 CFU/ ml
  • Bacillus licheniformis 1×107 CFU/ ml
  • Cellulomonas cellasea 1×107 CFU/ ml
  • Pseudomonas fluorescens 1×107 CFU/ ml
  • Pseudomonas putida 1×108 CFU/ ml
  • Pseudomonas stutzeri 1×108 CFU/ ml
  • Streptomyces albidoflavus 1×105 CFU/ ml

Multiplicity is a trademark of Monty’s Plant Food Company.

General Application

GENERAL: Multiplicity should be applied at the rate of one teaspoon per acre. Mix the required number of teaspoons of Multiplicity in one gallon of water. For example: to treat 25 acres, mix 25 teaspoons of Multiplicity in one gallon of water. After mixing, add to your tank. Multiplicity is tank-mix flexible with most agricultural products, and can be used as a pre-plant or pre-emergence soil spray, applied in furrow or foliar applied with chemicals and/or fertilizers. For foliar applications, final dilution rate should be 10-20 gallons of liquid per acre. For application through irrigation systems, contact your Monty’s representative for more information.
HIGH YIELD: Monty’s high yield program can vary for crops, application rates and timing. If you are interested in a high yield program, contact your Monty’s representative.




Active Ingredients

  • Azospirillum brasilense 1×107 CFU/ ml
  • Bacillus altitudinis 1×108 CFU/ ml
  • Bacillus amyloliquefaciens 1×107 CFU/ ml
  • Bacillus licheniformis 1×107 CFU/ ml
  • Cellulomonas cellasea 1×107 CFU/ ml
  • Pseudomonas fluorescens 1×107 CFU/ ml
  • Pseudomonas putida 1×108 CFU/ ml
  • Pseudomonas stutzeri 1×108 CFU/ ml
  • Streptomyces albidoflavus 1×105 CFU/ ml

Multiplicity is a trademark of Monty’s Plant Food Company.

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